Most, if not all, Christian parents aspire for their children to have good manners. Often, when teaching kids how to respectfully address their elders, parents encourage the usage of the words “sir” and “ma’am.” This is exactly what parents Teretha Wilson and McArthur Bryant did. However, to their astonishment, these parents’ well-meaning instructions to their 10-year-old son, Tamarion resulted in him receiving a reprimand from his teacher.
According to ABC 11 WTVD, Tamarion’s mother immediately noticed something was amiss with her son when he got off the school bus on August 21, 2018. Tamarion is a fifth-grade student at North East Carolina Preparatory School.
“I asked him what happened,” Wilson told local media. “He said he got in trouble for saying ‘yes ma’am.’”
Understandably, Tamarion’s mother admitted to being confused. Her 10-year-old son then showed her a sheet of paper he had repeatedly written the word “ma’am” on. The respectful word Tamarion’s teacher found so offensive was written four times on each line of the paper on both sides of the page.
Tamarion confided to his mother that the teacher required him to write the word on the paper because he continued to refer to her as “ma’am” after she told him not to do so. In addition to having to write the word “ma’am” a mind-boggling number of times, Tamarion was also asked to have the paper signed by a parent. Tamarion’s father told ABC 11 WTVD, “He had a look on his face of disappointment, shame.” Tamarion’s parents revealed that they instructed their kids to refer to their elders as “sir” and “ma’am.” Wilson and Bryant assured that their son wasn’t trying to be disrespectful.
Bryant told ABC 11 WTVD, “At the end of the day as a father, to feel kind of responsible for that…knowing that I have been raising him and doing the best that I can, it’s not acceptable.” Because Tamarion was forced to complete the punishment during class time, Wilson was concerned her son missed the chance to work on other assignments. To make matters worse, Tamarion’s mother divulged that the teacher also told her son that “if she had something, she would have thrown it at him.” Wilson stated, “”It wasn’t right. It wasn’t professional. As a teacher, it wasn’t appropriate. And I asked her why she thought it was okay to do that.”
During their interview with ABC 11 WTVD, Tamarion’s parents noted that their son was recently hospitalized due to suffering a seizure-related event. The teacher was unaware of the illness, which included hallucinations and memory loss. On August 22, 2018, Wilson met with the teacher involved and the principal of the school to talk about what happened. At the meeting, Tamarion’s mother said the teacher admitted to making the threatening sounding statement. The educator maintained that she wasn’t serious and felt Tamarion understood that.
Wilson returned the signed punishment sheet to the teacher. However, she also cleverly handed the educator a second piece of paper containing Tamarion’s handwritten definition of the word “ma’am.” After the meeting, Tamarion’s mother asked that her son be moved to another teacher’s classroom. The principal agreed to her request. Tamarion’s parents are happy with the principal’s decision to remove their son from the teacher’s classroom. But, they want to ensure the uncomfortable situation doesn’t happen to anyone else’s child. Bryant told ABC 11 WTVD, “If it happened to my son, I’m pretty sure if not a week, a day, a month, a year, it will occur to somebody else’s child.”
CBN News reported that parents all over the United States have reacted to Tamarion’s punishment on social media platforms. On Facebook, one user posted a picture of Tamarion along with the paper he was forced to repeatedly write the word “ma’am” on. He coyly wrote, “Facebook meet 10-year-old Tamarion Wilson and this fifth-grade student at North East Carolina Preparatory School is already a problem. When I was in school those kids were called ‘troublemakers’ and we were told to avoid them.” The user went on to add, “He was punished by his teacher in front of the class for saying ‘yes, ma’am.’ …..I say again, Tamarion was chastised by his teacher for saying ‘yes, ma’am’.”
Pray for Tamarion and all of today’s students who are facing unique challenges in America’s liberal, anti-Christian public educational system.
~ 1776 Christian