An estimated 62 million adult Americans identify as Evangelicals. Although these people of faith come from a wide range of denominations, they all hold true to the central teaching of Jesus Christ.
Considering that more than 25 percent of all Americans are Evangelicals, those that minister to these Christians have an enormous platform and impact. These are 15 of the most influential Evangelicals on the American landscape today.
1: Billy Graham:
Less than one year away from turning 100, Rev. Graham has brought the Gospel to more than 200 million souls around the world. He has been credited with bringing Christ into the hearts of more than 3.2 million converts and took a firm position on moral issues such as racial segregation.
2: Pres. Donald J. Trump:
Having become Born-Again during the presidential election campaign, Pres. Trump has restored Christian faith to the White House. His top-level influence in American politics has been focused on reversing the secularism that threatens the nation’s religious fabric. His installing of conservative Christian Neil Gorsuch into the U.S. Supreme Court alone will have positive Christian implications for decades to come.
3: Joel Osteen:
This preacher conveys a positive message to 20 million souls each month around the world through televised sermons and SIRIUS radio broadcasts that run 24/7. He pastors at Lakewood Church in Houston, Texas, to a weekly gathering of 45,000.
4: Mike Huckabee:
This pastor-turned-politician served as the Arkansas governor from 1997-2007, ran for president twice, has published best-selling books and once had his own show on Fox News. Now a regular contributor whose daughter serves as the current White House spokeswoman, Mike Huckabee has carved out a dialogue where politics and Christianity overlap.
5: Pat Robertson:
Widely recognized for his work on the “700 Club,” he also founded Christian-oriented organizations such as ABC Family Channel (Freedom), American Center for Law and Justice, and the Christian Broadcasting Network among others.
6: Rick Warren:
Founder of the Saddleback Church in California, he sold more than 32 million copies of “The Purpose Driven Life.” The best-selling non-fiction book and megachurch exposure have made him a household name among Christians and secular Americans alike.
7: Mike Pence:
The conservative Christian, former Indiana governor and current Vice President of the United States has been a staunch pro-life advocate and openly wears his Christian leanings. V.P. Pence brings his Evangelical foundation to public service work every day.
8: Franklin Graham:
The son of Rev. Billy Graham, he has created his own influential ministry with Samaritan’s Purse. This organization works in the areas of humanitarian aid and brings the Gospel to millions worldwide.
9: Jerry Falwell Jr:
Having taken the reins of his father’s Liberty University after his 2007 death, Falwell Jr. has become a leading voice in political circles. He has been a gun rights advocate, spoke at the 2016 Republican National Convention and has aligned himself with Pres. Trump. He also facilitated Liberty University making a $5 million investment into Israel.
10: Joyce Meyer:
This author of more than 100 books hosts the television show “Enjoying Everyday Life.” Her platforms help guide people about how to lead a positive Christian life and overcome adversity.
11: Mark Burnett and Roma Downey:
These married TV and film producers create content such as “The Bible” ministries and the “Ben-Hur.” Their faith-based work also includes the MGM-backed Light TV network.
12: Sarah Palin:
The former Alaska governor and vice-presidential candidate has been a target of the secular media for many years. However, the strong Christian woman, wife, mother and grandmother continues to be a powerful voice through published works, speeches and news commentary.
13: Creflo Dollar:
The TV Evangelist preaches the “Gospel of wealth” and advocates that Christians can enjoy Faith and prosperity. His New York and Atlanta megachurches are called World Changers Ministries.
14: Tony Perkins:
President of the Family Research Council, he vigorously lobbies Washington insiders about Conservative Christian issues and policies. His research provides insight into the value of Christian Faith and family life to millions. His movement has helped re-affirm the central benefits of embracing the Gospel.
15: T.D. Jakes:
The nondenominational megachurch pastor of The Potter’s House in Dallas, Texas, is also a popular Christian author and filmmaker. He has been a strong proponent of women’s issues and taps into innovative media resources such as live streaming and a mobile app to convey sermons.
~ 1776 Christian