For the most part, historians accept the assertion that Carl Marx is the father of Communism, and certainly nothing more nuanced than this is even taught in schools. In 1843, while Marx was studying economics, he Met Frederick Engels- with whom he became fast friends.
As a result, Marx learned to enjoy the benefits of unearned wealth as Engels supported him using money from his father’s English cotton farms. Marx made frequent appeals for more money saying, ‘… my daughters must have a bourgeois education in order to make contacts.’
Historians pay very little attention to the relationship between Marx and Engels. The probable reason for this is if students realized Marx was supported by largess provided by a capitalistic venture, they might find his standardized mantra, “From each according to his ability. To each according to his need,” less convincing.
As Marx’s worldview continued to develop, his loathing for capitalism grew in parallel to his disdain for Christianity. He saw the two linked as a single ideology as representations of the following precepts which are in direct contrast to his communistic ideals:
1. A mechanism by which the rich kept themselves rich and the poor in poverty.
2. The philosophy that one person’s wealth is the property of its owner not to be taken against his will.
3. The philosophy that one should not covet the possessions of another.
4. A belief that each person should work and earn his own sustenance.
These are the precepts of property rights, and they are also fundamental to modern Christianity. The connection between capitalism and Christianity is important to understanding the truth about Marxism.
Because Christianity is a faith it cannot be argued with. You cannot tell a person of faith to stop having faith- therefore the principles of property rights which are part and parcel of the religion cannot be re-educated away. After a communist revolution, Christians must be done away with- since they are so difficult to re-educate as communist.
Further, capitalism is- in reality- a much simpler thing than we are generally taught. Capitalism does not mean the exploitation of people and natural resources to achieve excesses of wealth for an individual, or a small group.
Certainly, it can lead to this, but capitalism itself is simply a way of acting- not a system of economic oppression. Capitalism, very simply, is the use of consumption goods to create a capital good- for the purpose of harvesting more consumption goods.
Consumption goods: valuable material such as food, fuel, or building material which are used up.
Capital goods: stable and lasting items, such as a house, shovel, car, or computer used to harvest or manipulate consumption goods.
This makes it clear, that Christianity comes under attack by socialist (a synonym for communist) leaders as readily as does capitalism because the two ideas have a common moral foundation- that being property rights. No population that believes in the rights of an individual to his property, the products of his labor, can be willingly converted into a communist or socialist society.
Now, to understand how pervasive communism is in America, we will list the goals of communism and with the parallels which we find currently institutionalized within the United States.
The Goals of Communism
1. Abolition of Property
• Modern Correlate: Unconstitutionally, the Federal Government owns over 40% of US land, and imposes a land tax on property owners.
2. A Heavy, Progressive Income Tax
• Modern Correlate: Graduated income tax passed in 1913.
3. The Abolition of Inheritance Rights
• Modern Correlate: The Inheritance Tax
4. The Confiscation of the Property of Dissidents and Emigrants
• Modern Correlate: HR 5691, passed in 1980, makes it a crime to export or import over $5000 worth of goods or production material without state consent.
5. Centralization of Credit
• Modern Correlate: The central bank, set up in 1913, and the credit bureaus.
6. Centralization of Transport and Communication
• Modern Correlate: Amtrak, the Federal Transit Act, and the Department of Transportation.
7. The Extension of Means of Production Owned by the State
• Modern Correlate: State regulated automobile manufacturers, and a consistent intrusion of government into business.
8. Generalized Duty of the Population to Support Production
• Modern Correlate: The Comprehensive Employee Training Act, the CCC, and other federal jobs initiatives.
9. Combination of Factories with Agriculture
• Modern Correlate: Heavy industrialization of farms, as “factory farms” with significant government regulations.
10. State-Owned Public Education
• Modern Correlate: Massive federal funding for colleges and universities, as well as the expansion of federally controlled public schools beginning in 1957.
With a view to the immense progress made by Communism in the US, one wonders if this is not the true meaning of the “Progressive” movement. We need to stay true to our American ideals just as we do in our faith.