Recent events have tested the resolve of American citizens to hold by the mainstream Christian beliefs of piety and peace. News outlets are doing little to douse the flames of war and intolerance, leaving it to the ordinary Christian to look beyond what is given to him on the surface.
However, it is always a good thing to analyze the relevant stories of the day and solidify your moral stance in relation to them. Every good Christian should know where she stands when it comes to the Trump administration, North Korea, and the recent upheaval in Virginia.
North Korea
There is no doubt that the leadership in North Korea is unhinged. The population of that country is under constant stress and oppression. It is being brainwashed to worship a man instead of God, violating our sacred First Commandment and leading to other dysfunctions. People are suffering in North Korea, and people are suffering because of North Korea. Let us not forget our young brother in Christ, Otto Warmbier, who was taken from us by the awful regime.
In some cases, God places tests in our path solely to see how we respond to them. It is possible that the evil of North Korea is a test of our mettle – to see how we respond to a government that threatens to our very humanity and the safety of the world. We may not be able to reach Kim Jung Un and his cronies with our prayers. They may be beyond us. This is a test to see how well we protect ourselves from a threat that cannot be reasoned with.
Let us only pray that if our servicemen and women have to employ drastic measures in order to keep us safe, that they do so with the protection of God. Let us pray for everyone in our armed services while they are on the battlefield. Additionally, let us support the policies that reward them for their bravery once they return home, especially if they have suffered physical and mental injuries so we do not have to.
As Christians, we cannot condone hatred or bigotry of any sort. Those who entered the Virginia protest in order to violently display their displeasure at another must be chastised. If we disagree, we can do so in a civil way. This is how we come to peaceful agreements across the table, even with those who do not share our beliefs.
Our Bible tells us, “Judge that ye not be judged.” As we spread the message of Christianity and patriotism, there are those who will not share our belief system. It is not our duty to attack them unless attacked. We can bring others to the value of our way of life through a positive example, not judgment.
We must also show compassion to the people who are having a hard time dealing with the changing ways of life in this country. The people who expressed themselves through violence in Virginia are often frustrated because of economic and social situations that are beyond their control. Jobs are still difficult to find in many areas. The heroin epidemic has been defined as an official crisis by the president. All that some people have are the murals and the markings of the past. We must pray for people to see their families through the storm.
President Donald Trump
Whether we agree or disagree with the rhetoric the president uses on the podium, it is our job to pray for him. As the leader of the Free World, our president holds many lives in his hands. As Christians, it is our duty to help protect these lives in any way that we can.
We can reach out to our President through prayer and thoughtful commentary. Matthew 18:20 comes to mind: “For where two or three have gathered together in My name, I am there in their midst.”
~ 1776 Christian