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Former Abortionist Defends Heartbeat Protection Act

Dr. Kathi Aultman, a former abortionist, voiced her support for the Heartbeat Protection Act while testifying before the House Judiciary Committee’s Subcommittee on the Constitution and Civil Justice.

The bill, authored by Republican Rep. Steve King of Iowa, would make doctors performing abortions on fetuses with detectable heartbeats illegal. The Heartbeat Protection Act provides an exception for abortions necessary to save mothers whose lives are endangered by physical disorders, illnesses, or conditions.

If the bill passes, doctors who perform prohibited abortions will be subject to criminal penalties including fines, as much as five years of imprisonment, or both. However, women who undergo banned abortions would not be prosecuted for violating or scheming to violate the provisions of the bill.

A Lethal Career

A board certified obstetrician/gynecologist, OB/GYN, Dr. Aultman is a fellow of the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists. Dr. Aultman earned a medical degree at the University of Florida College of Medicine in 1977. In 1981, she completed her OB/GYN residency at the University of Florida-affiliated Jacksonville Health Education Program.

While completing her residency, Dr. Aultman was trained in first trimester abortions utilizing the D&C with suction technique. During this procedure, an abortionist uses medication or metal rods to dilate a woman’s cervix and gain access to her uterus. Next, a suction catheter is inserted to vacuum the baby from the womb. To finish the procedure, the abortionist utilizes a curette, a sharp metal device, to empty the remains of the fetus from the mother’s womb.

Besides being adept at performing abortions using the D&C with suction method, Dr. Aultman sought and received special training in second trimester abortions employing D&E procedures. During this harsh practice, the abortionist opens up the woman’s cervix with a combination of luminaria, a type of sterilized seaweed, a speculum, and metal dilators. After the abortionist inserts a large suction catheter into the uterus, he or she turns it on and empties the uterus of amniotic fluid. With a grasping instrument, the abortionist tears the limbs from the baby’s body. The fetus’ skull is crushed. The then abortionist scrapes the uterus with a curette to remove the placenta and any remaining parts of the baby.

During her testimony, Dr. Aultman recounts she “had to examine the tissue carefully to account for all the body parts to make sure nothing was left to cause infection or bleeding.” She admits being “fascinated by the tiny but perfectly formed limbs, intestines, kidneys, and other organs.” Trained to compartmentalize things, Dr. Aultman could view aborted fetuses from a strictly scientific point of view without being emotionally affected. She didn’t see a difference between them and the chick embryos she dissected in college.

After completing her first year of training and receiving a medical license, Dr. Aultman landed a job at a woman’s clinic in Gainesville, Florida performing abortions. Besides enjoying the technical challenges of the procedures she undertook, Dr. Aultman prided herself at being really good at what she did. She also realized she could earn a lot more money completing abortions than she could working in an emergency room.

A Change of Heart

Dr. Aultman’s views about abortion began transforming after she had her first child. When she returned to the abortion clinic after the delivery of her baby, the former abortionist was confronted with three cases that broke her heart and profoundly altered her opinion.

The first case was a woman who Dr. Aultman recognized seeking an abortion. She remembered having performed three previous abortion procedures on this person. The second incident involved a woman visiting the abortion clinic who was asked by a friend if she wanted to see the tissue. The lady answered, “No! I just want to kill it.”

Dr. Aultman saw another women in the clinic who was already the mother of four children. Feeling she couldn’t support another child, the women cried the entire time she was at the abortion clinic. After witnessing these three cases, Dr. Aultman ended her abortion career. She had finally made the emotional connection between a fetus and a baby.

This new pro-life stance deepened for Dr. Aultman as she witnessed women who were doing fine after deciding to keep unplanned babies and those who were struggling to deal with the emotional aftermath of abortion. She feels pro-choice propaganda has distorted everything about abortion, making the truth unrecognizable.

Dr. Aultman says meeting adults she delivered is “bittersweet because I am reminded of all the people I will never meet because I aborted them. It also reminds me that I am a mass murderer.”

This former abortionist supports the Heartbeat Protection Act because she feels everyone has an obligation to protect the most vulnerable members of society.

~ 1776 Christian

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