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Former Satanic Priest Claims Prayer Saved Him from Evil

Author and speaker John Ramirez was raised in a poverty stricken neighborhood in New York City’s South Bronx. As a child, he loathed his father due to the elder Ramirez’s alleged careless disregard for the family. Seeking love and validation, the author and speaker joined a new “family” of warlocks and witches.

These individuals trained him to become a high priest in an occult religion. One night, during a blood-soaked ritual, Ramirez reportedly sold his soul to Satan. Having cut the mark of the beast in his right arm, the author and speaker enthusiastically recruited people into this “unholy kingdom.” He sauntered into the bars and clubs of New York City at night in order to locate his next victims.

Ramirez continued on his zealous quest to win souls for the kingdom of darkness until God intervened in the author and speaker’s life through a miraculous dream. The former satanic priest alleged God revealed Himself for who He really is in the larger-than-life dream. Since his conversion, Ramirez has shared his influential testimony with numerous others, taught Christians how to combat the enemy, and authored religious works including Armed and Dangerous: The Ultimate Battle Plan for Targeting and Defeating the Enemy. In this book, Ramirez underscored the reasons Christians should pray for effectively.

During an interview with CBN News, the author and speaker said, “I wrote this book because I wanted Christians to know that it’s not only a defense spiritual warfare, but there’s an offense spiritual warfare. We need to keep the devil, the devil in his place.”

The former satanic priest revealed he was most useful to the kingdom of darkness when Christians didn’t pray.

“I was able to go in there and capitalize and take a stand and a position in the spirit realm against the Christians that were not praying,” he said. “I took that territory away so I owned your neighbor; I owned your neighborhood; I owned your region because you didn’t saturate with prayers. I beat you to it.”

Ramirez also explained how the prayers of Christians thwarted his efforts to carry out evil. The author and speaker stated, “It is those believers, it’s that group of people, those intercessors that gave me such a beatdown in the spiritual.”

“When I came into the neighborhood and they were in the spirit together holding hands. Do I know they were physically holding hands in one area? I don’t know, but in the spirit realm, they were holding hands,” he added. “And, they were able to chase me out the neighborhood. No mission accomplished. Mission aborted, weakened my assignment and no mission accomplished because they knew something: they had the power in that neighborhood that I didn’t have.”

Talking about how he encourages believers to expand their prayer lives and to be cognizant enough to pray for the country, educational institutions, and other areas, Ramirez stated, “If I know what’s going on in my neighborhood, then I know what to lift up to the altar of God. And I think a lot of times we miss it because we have been called to be intercessors between life and death. We need to intercede for our neighborhood, our region, then our family, our loved ones, our husbands, wives, our workplaces.”

Last year, during a sit-down with CBN News, Ramirez warned Christians about celebrating Halloween. Due to his dark past, the author and speaker understands all too well about the dangerous reality this holiday can present when interpreted in the wrong context.

During his satanic rituals, Ramirez used to sacrifice animals. He told CBN News, “Do you know any Satanists who say, ‘Hey, we’re going to come into Good Friday and we’re going to hang out with the Christians and we’re just going to call it a different name?” Ramirez also disclosed he didn’t support substitute Halloween events Christians hold including “Trunk or Treat” nights.

The author and speaker asserted he wouldn’t give up what he’s discovered in Christ for anything. He said, “For twenty-five years of my life, I was able to do anything to anybody, anywhere. I count that all to be foolish to gain Christ. He’s my Uno. He’s the breath that I breathe. He walks with me. I can hear the sound of His voice in my ear.”

~ 1776 Christian

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