Chatham Middle School teachers and district officials in New Jersey have come under fire for allegedly forcing 12-year-olds to participate in pro-Islam conversion instruction.
A lawsuit has been filed in Federal District Court to protect Seventh-Grade students from being forced to suffer Muslim propaganda that calls for the children to convert from Christianity and Judaism to Islam. Filed by Michigan’s Thomas More Law Center on behalf of outraged parent Libby Hilsenrath and her son, videos were reportedly being used to indoctrinate the youths during a class about World Cultures and Geography. The videos urge children to convert.
Led by Kate Oliveri of the Thomas More center, the complaint states that “The Board of Education and other Defendants are waging a war against the religious protections afforded by the First Amendment. They attack religious liberty by enticing young school children with a direct call to convert to Islam and providing a step-by-step guide on how to effect that conversion.”
The recently filed civil rights lawsuit names Superintendent Michael LaSusa, Assistant Superintendent Karen Chase, Chatham Middle School Principal Jill Gihorski, Supervisor of Social Studies for the district Steven Maher, and Social Studies Teachers Megan Keown and Christine Jakowski as defendants.
Hilsenrath and her son will be represented in court by Westfield attorney Michael Hrycak, who works with the nonprofit Thomas More Law Center.
The content of the videos instructs children that Islamic beliefs are facts and concludes with a prayer that only Islam is the correct religion. “May God help us all find the true faith, Islam. Amen,” the propaganda video states.
Other notable mind-influencing aspects of the video include statements such as:
“Allah is the one God who created the heavens and the earth, who has no equal and is all powerful.”
“Islam: A shining beacon against the darkness of repression, segregation, intolerance and racism . . .”
Even more shocking, the videos present Christians and Jews as infidels and depict Muhammad rightfully murdering them.
“[Muhammad] kept on encountering with [infidels] in every battle until they looked like meat put on butcher’s bench,” the video states. “It is as though the religion of Islam was a guest that visited every house of those (infidels and was) extremely desirous for the flesh of enemy. . .”
A 5-minute cartoon also instructed the seventh-grade pupils to contact a nearby mosque.
Thomas More Law Center Pres. Richard Thompson has gone on the record pointing out the inherent double-standard and hypocrisy of The School District of the Chathams.
“What would people say if our public schools taught Christianity as the true faith? After watching this video, I can’t imagine any reasonable person saying this is not Islamic indoctrination,” Thompson said. “Chatham Middle School made a mockery of the First Amendment’s Establishment Clause.”
“When Libby Hilsenrath brought her concerns to the school board’s attention, on February 6, 2017, they were disregarded,” Thompson continued. “Clueless school administrators across our nation are allowing this type of indoctrination to take place, and it’s up to vigilant and courageous parents like Libby Hilsenrath to stop it.”
For her efforts to stem the tide of Islamic indoctrination of children in the United States, Hilsenrath has endured scorn and hateful remarks from members of her own community. She has been called “ignorant,” “intolerant” and “racist” for protecting her child and others from religious brainwashing.
The children were also forced to do a fill-in-the-blank worksheet about the shahada, which is the Islamic conversion creed and prayer. It also had an inducement link that offered “the ease with which they could convert to become Muslim,” according to the lawsuit.
~ 1776 Christian