Christian soccer star Jaeline Hinkle has been put into a bad position. Jaeline plays for the U.S. soccer team. On May 26th of 2017, U.S. Soccer pledged to support “all their athletes, coaches and fans.” However, that statement doesn’t truly support all their athletes.
As part of their promise to support the LGBT community, Hinkle’s team is being forced to wear a special jersey with a rainbow logo in certain upcoming games. As Ms. Hinkle so aptly explains, “The rainbow was a convent made between God and all his creation that never again would the world be flooded as it was when He destroyed the world during Noah’s time. It’s a constant reminder that no matter how corrupt this world becomes, He will never leave us or forsake us.”
As a Christian, Ms. Hinkle does not support the LGBT lifestyle, and refuses to take part in any organized or non-organized symbolism or act that supports that lifestyle, particularly when that lifestyle uses the sacred rainbow symbol for its own purpose.
To stand up for her beliefs, Ms. Hinkle has been forced out of the games where her team is supposed to wear those special rainbow logo jerseys. She is being pressured to make a personal sacrifice to give up playing a sport that she loves and excels at, in order to stand up for her beliefs as a Christian.
Unfortunately, Ms. Jaeline Hinkle’s position is not isolated. For years, the LGBT agenda has been pushed on Christians in the U.S. and in other countries. The media has promoted the LGBT lifestyle as being “normal” through television commercials, TV shows, movies and print and online media. Christian children are being exposed to the LGBT lifestyle through children’s television programming, including Sesame Street and the Disney brand. In an increasing number of cases, Christians have been pushed out or forced out of their chosen careers and personal interests for their belief in the teachings of the Bible.
Most recently, U.K. politician Tim Farron, leader of the Liberal Democratic Party, has resigned from his post. In a candid interview, Mr. Farron stated that it was becoming increasingly impossible for him to remain faithful to his beliefs as a Christian, and still support the liberal party that supports things like the LGBT community.
“I have found myself torn between living as a faithful Christian and serving as a political leader,” Farron said.
Though Mr. Farron has sought to objectively represent his party’s constituents, he has been the subject of accusations about his personal religious views.
Are Christians being pushed out of leadership roles? Yes, according to evidence like this.
The LGBT agenda has made it into politics and business regulations alike with Target’s trans-bathroom policies. People in Target can use any bathroom they want, if they “feel” like they are a different sex. Christians who are current employees at Target are being forced to share the use of bathrooms with the opposite gender. If they don’t like that policy, they can quit, because they won’t back down, says the CEO.
“We took a stance,” he said. “We’re going to continue to embrace our belief in diversity and inclusion, just how important that is to our company. But we’re also going to make sure our focus on safety is unwavering.”
In Istanbul, an Azeri Christian was forced to resign from his job because he was arrested for sharing the Gospel with his fellow employees. Once he was released from prison, he endured so much taunting that his employers told him that the best course of action would be for him to write his own resignation letter.
In Australia, board members of the Australian Christian Lobby were being threatened and intimidated so much that the Lobby was forced to remove their names from the website in order to help protect their identities from the LGBT community.
LGBT activists recently targeted IBM Managing Partner Mark Allaby, and rallied together to harass and threaten him and his family for his affiliation with the Lachlan Macquarie Institute, an internship program for young Christians Lachlan Macquarie Institute.
The LGBT community isn’t a passive group with views that go against Christian values. It’s an aggressive activist group with an agenda designed to coerce and threaten the very foundation of Christian beliefs, one person at a time.
~ 1776 Christian