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The Unsettling Growth of the Satanic Movement

While well-known religious groups are being persecuted in various locations around the world, another group of worshippers is increasingly coming out of hiding.

For thousands of years, this particular group of worshippers was relegated to meeting in secret so that its members would not be recognized in the light of day. So unholy and depraved are its tenets, that its very existence as an organization crosses the boundaries of the laws of nature and human decency. That group of worshippers is called “Satanists,” and their movement and visibility in the world is growing exponentially.

Beliefs and practices that were once taboo are now being spoken of and acted out in broad daylight in certain corners of the world. A worship of Satan was once universally rejected. Now, the forces of evil in human incarnation are beginning to emerge from their hiding places to claim more souls in the name of some kind of twisted justification for worshipping the very antithesis of everything that’s good and right on this Earth and the kingdom above. These facts are hard to believe and even more difficult to hear, but this is taking place right now in familiar places around the world.

In Russia, The Christian religious organization of Jehovah’s Witnesses has been legally declared an extremist group. The assets of the organization are being seized, even before an official appeal has been heard by the governing group there. At the same time, the “Russian Satanist Church” has been granted an official stature under the Russian government. The Satanic Church of Russia received legal recognition on May 10, 2016 — a date they subsequently declared “the day of Russian Satanism.

The Russian Satanist Church leader, Oleg Sataninsky, expressed his organization’s support for the controversial Yarovaya Laws, which widen the Russian legal concept of extremism and place restrictions on missionary work. Last month, Russia banned the Jehovah’s Witnesses religious group under the legislation.

Naturally, a group of people who worship the Devil itself would celebrate the subjugation of those who dedicate themselves to spreading the word of Jehovah. What’s disturbing is the support of the Russian government behind all this. Without the Kremlin giving their permission and support to Russian Satanist Church, this evil group would have no choice but to hide in the depths of the darkness from which it came. Now, though, the God-fearing Christians are the ones who are being forced into having secret meetings in order to practice their worship of God and his creation.

One of the biggest dangers in allowing the Russian Satanist Church to operate out in the open is that members are now free to initiate more people into their Satanic practices. This can only lead to more people being cultivated to worship the evil entity.

If you think that the problem is far away and nothing for you to worry about, think again.
As recently as June 2017, in New York, Satanists defaced four churches, spraying graffiti that declares their allegiance to the unholy entity. Pentagram symbols were spray-painted all over these holy institutions of worship, which were the Gospel Church, Amityville Full Gospel Tabernacle, Prayer Tabernacle Church of God in Christ, and Shaw Temple A.M.E. Zion.

While graffiti is an act of vandalism and punishable by law in New York City, the fact that this group felt emboldened enough to perform this degrading act of desecration on Christian houses of worship is disturbing and worrying.

Currently, the Church of Satan in the U.S. enjoys tax-exempt status. As such, it is a government-approved organization and recognized religion. But this also means that the Church of Satan can pursue endeavors to recruit even more members, right out in the open.

In fact, right now there is legal approval for “After School Satan Schools” in Washington, D.C., our nation’s capital, and in New York City. These After School Satan Schools have the U.S. government’s support to indoctrinate and educate your children into the realm of Satanism, right in your own backyard.

This growing movement is an active effort to undo all the efforts of Christian parents to bring up children in the light of God. What kind of world do we live in when our own children are being groomed as Satan’s bride, right under our noses? The darkness is growing, and it seems to have the world’s government’s support.

~ 1776 Christian

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